Contact/Office Hours

“Helga” (left) and I love talking to students!  Come visit us at Academic West, Room 307.

Signing up for my office hours:  Bucknell students can sign up for my office hours online.  There you can select a time that works for us both. When the dialogue box opens, click on “save,” and choose “view/edit in Google calendar” (not “stay here”).  Google will fill in your name and add the meeting to both of our calendars.  (Be sure that the timezone on your calendar is set to Eastern Standard, otherwise it may tell you the wrong time for our meeting!)  If you need to cancel our meeting, open the event and choose “cancel and notify.”


If you can’t make any of my listed office hours:  If you cannot attend my scheduled office hours due to other commitments, I would be happy to set something up with you. First, please check when I am free/busy on Google Calendar.  Go to your own Bmail Google Calendar, and under “Other Calendars” on the left enter my name to see my schedule. Then, email me to suggest a time when we might both be free.
Dr. Sammells has a presence on the following websites:
If you’d like to receive occasional email updates about new research from Prof. Sammells, please sign up here!